Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Dimension Tool

Use the Dimension tool within the configuration of other reporting tools, such as Score Charts, to define the possible values of the data in your report.

For example, a dimension of Gender would have the values: Male, Female, and Unknown.


  1. Open the Dimension tool by clicking the Dimension icon from within a report, or dragging a new dimension from the Tool box into an existing report.
  2. Configure the following fields:
    • Column name: Drag a column from the Data Explorer, or click into the field to enter or browse to the required column.
    • Measure: Select the measure that will apply to this column. Measures are only available to select once they have been added to the current report.
    • Sort: The sort field works in combination with the Measure field (described above). Where a measure is applied to a dimension, you can sort the column by the measure values in Ascending or Descending order, by selecting the required option from the drop-down menu.
    • Display Nulls: Nulls are disabled by default. Select this check box if you want them to be displayed on the chart.
    • Display Sub-totals: This setting does not apply to chart reports but can be used if a saved report configuration will be used with a grid.
    • Included Values: Select values to include in the selection, separated by a carriage return. All values are included by default. Adding a single value to this field will effectively exclude all other values.
    • Excluded Values: Select values to exclude from the selection, separated by a carriage return
  3. If you want to save the dimension as a template, right-click on it and select Save as Template from the context menu.
  4. Continue configuring the report.
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